دوره 15 (1402)
دوره 14 (1401)
دوره 13 (1400)
دوره 12 (1399)
دوره 11 (1398)
دوره 10 (1397)
دوره 9 (1396)
دوره 8 (1395)
دوره 7 (1394)
دوره 6 (1393)
دوره 5 (1392)
دوره 4 (1391)
دوره 3 (1390)
دوره 1 (1388)
مقاله پژوهشی
Late Chalcolithic to Late Bronze Age Settlement Patterns in the Gorgan Plain (ca. 3200-1600 BCE)
Late Chalcolithic to Late Bronze Age Settlement Patterns in the Gorgan Plain (ca. 3200-1600 BCE)

کایل جرج اولسون

دوره 16، شماره 2 ، آذر 1403، صفحه 1-27


  The Gorgan Plain in Golestan Province is one of the most archaeologically rich regions in Iran. Given its favorable climate, the Gorgan Plain has been an attractive location for settlement by agricultural villagers for millennia. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the region attracted the attention of European travelers and archaeologists, who were fascinated by ...  بیشتر
مقاله پژوهشی
The Historical Course of the Ilkhani Coins in the Local Mints from Hulako to Uljaito‌‌ (with Emphasis on Tabriz Minted Coin
The Historical Course of the Ilkhani Coins in the Local Mints from Hulako to Uljaito‌‌ (with Emphasis on Tabriz Minted Coin

محرم باستانی؛ نعمت اله علی محمدی

دوره 16، شماره 2 ، آذر 1403، صفحه 29-58


  The Tabriz mint is one of the most significant mints from the Ilkhanid period. Since the Hulegu Khan era, Tabriz was officially recognised as the political centre of Ilkhanid rule. This decision, whether ideal or flawed, attracted an influx of artists, scholars, calligraphers, craftsmen, and architects from the vast territories of the Ilkhanid Empire—from ...  بیشتر
مقاله پژوهشی
A Discussion on the Stone Composite Figurines in BMAC/GKC and its Influence
A Discussion on the Stone Composite Figurines in BMAC/GKC and its Influence

دنگ چنگ

دوره 16، شماره 2 ، آذر 1403، صفحه 59-74


  In the last century, a group of Bronze Age composite stone female figurines, known as "Bactrian princesses", appeared in the antique market, and were suspected to come from Afghanistan. Later, during scientific archaeological excavations, similar female figurines were discovered in southern Turkmenistan and northeastern Iran, corresponding to the Late Namazga ...  بیشتر
مقاله پژوهشی
An Interim Report of the New Excavations at the Neolithic Site of Chogha Golan, Ilam Province, Western Iran
An Interim Report of the New Excavations at the Neolithic Site of Chogha Golan, Ilam Province, Western Iran

حجت دارابی

دوره 16، شماره 2 ، آذر 1403، صفحه 75-92


  چغاگلان جایگاه ویژه‌ای در مطالعات مربوط به شروع کشاورزی و یکجانشینی در غرب آسیا دارد. کاوشهای مختصر قبلی توسط دانشگاه توبینگن آلمان در این محوطه طی سالهای 89-1388 خورشیدی نشان داده که در فاصله زمانی بین ...  بیشتر
مقاله پژوهشی
The 2024 Excavation Campaign at Kani Shaie: new data on the earliest Early Bronze Age and the Hellenistic-Parthian occupations
The 2024 Excavation Campaign at Kani Shaie: new data on the earliest Early Bronze Age and the Hellenistic-Parthian occupations

استیو رنه

دوره 16، شماره 2 ، آذر 1403، صفحه 93-117


  Kani Shaie, a key archaeological site located in the Bazyan Valley of Iraqi Kurdistan, provides critical insight into the transition from the Late Chalcolithic (LC; ca. 4500-3100 BCE) to the Early Bronze Age (EBA; ca. 3100-2000 BCE). The site occupies a strategic location between the Mesopotamian plains and the Zagros Mountains, positioning it as a central point ...  بیشتر
مقاله پژوهشی
The Influence of Traditional Sogdian art and Culture on the Architectural Structures of Western Chinese Cities, Particularly in Relation to their Religious Transformations
The Influence of Traditional Sogdian art and Culture on the Architectural Structures of Western Chinese Cities, Particularly in Relation to their Religious Transformations

یوان چی ژائو

دوره 16، شماره 2 ، آذر 1403، صفحه 119-140


  Sogdiana is one of the oldest eastern cities in ancient Iran, situated along the ancient trade routes of the world. Historical documents and evidence indicate that the city of Sogdiana and its inhabitants played a significant role in cultural and commercial exchanges between the East and the West, and vice versa. Due to its location on the famous international ...  بیشتر
مقاله پژوهشی
Ritual Practices in the Kura-Araxes Culture: Hearths and Figurines as Markers of Religious Identity
Ritual Practices in the Kura-Araxes Culture: Hearths and Figurines as Markers of Religious Identity

بهلول خانی؛ اکبر عابدی؛ نصیر اسکندری؛ قادر ابراهیمی

دوره 16، شماره 2 ، آذر 1403، صفحه 141-164


  The Kura-Araxes culture has been a central focus of archaeological studies, particularly its religious and ritualistic practices. Despite its significance, the evidence for these practices remains scarce and largely unexplored. Key findings, including figurines, hearths, and occasional architectural elements, have been uncovered across the culture's expanse, ...  بیشتر
مقاله پژوهشی
Caspian Neolithic Software of Touq Tappeh,, Eastern Mazandaran,, Iran
Caspian Neolithic Software of Touq Tappeh,, Eastern Mazandaran,, Iran

رحمت عباس نژاد سرستی؛ سیدکمال اسدی اجایی؛ هنگامه خیری ملکشاه

دوره 16، شماره 2 ، آذر 1403، صفحه 165-188


  After 70 years we still have very little knowledge about the Epi-Paleolithic, Pre-pottery Neolithic (PPN), and Pottery Neolithic (PN) periods in the eastern Mazandaran plains. Unreliable excavation methods, the application of personal taste in collecting data, and uncertain analyses are among the issues we face in Coon`s excavations at the Hotu and Kamarband ...  بیشتر
مقاله پژوهشی
-Revisiting the Archaeological Stratigraphy of Hotu Cave, Iran: Preliminary Report of the 2021 Excavation-
-Revisiting the Archaeological Stratigraphy of Hotu Cave, Iran: Preliminary Report of the 2021 Excavation-

حسن فاضلی نشلی

دوره 16، شماره 2 ، آذر 1403، صفحه 189-235


  The Mesolithic period and its transition to the Neolithic period in Western Asia is one of the most important stages of human cultural evolution during which. humans gradually changed their way of life and cultural behavior. After millennia of living as mobile hunter-gatherers, these changes in human lifestyle were so significant that some scientists consider ...  بیشتر
مقاله پژوهشی
Geochemical analysis of bitumen coating torpedo jars of archaeological sites from Iran(Susiana and Persian Gulf coasts): origin of bitumen.
Geochemical analysis of bitumen coating torpedo jars of archaeological sites from Iran(Susiana and Persian Gulf coasts): origin of bitumen.

یاکوب کونان؛ محمد اسماعیل اسمعیلی جلودار؛ میخاییل انگل؛ آلکس زومبرگ؛ مهدی آذریان؛ جبرئیل نوکنده

دوره 16، شماره 2 ، آذر 1403، صفحه 237-274


  One of the most important potteries used in Persian Gulf (Middle East) maritime trade with a large part of the ancient world, including the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman, the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka, and finally the country of Thailand. (Suriname ship cargo) earthenware jar called Torpedo-jar or storage jar. Although this type of pottery was dated by most researchers ...  بیشتر
مقاله پژوهشی
Study of The Development Process of Herat City During the Kart Dynasty, Based On the Survey of Developments in The Axis of Khiaban-Mazar-e Herat
Study of The Development Process of Herat City During the Kart Dynasty, Based On the Survey of Developments in The Axis of Khiaban-Mazar-e Herat

شاهین گرکانی دشته؛ محمد مرتضایی

دوره 16، شماره 2 ، آذر 1403، صفحه 275-291


  Tomb Street (Khiaban-Mazar) is described as a complex where the tombs are located on either side of a passageway. "Khiaban-e Herat" (Herat Street) is also a cemetery with tombs along its main axis, and it is one of the most unique and ancient examples of Mazar Street in Khorasan. This article aims to examine the process of early developments in Khiaban-Mazar-e ...  بیشتر
مقاله پژوهشی
Excavations at Sarcham, A Multi-Period Archaeological Site in Hawraman Region, Kurdistan Province, Iran
Excavations at Sarcham, A Multi-Period Archaeological Site in Hawraman Region, Kurdistan Province, Iran

امیر ساعدموچشی؛ سیروان محمدی قصریان؛ ماساشی آبه؛ مرتضی زمانی دادانه؛ سلمان خسروی؛ سریه امیری؛ مرجان مشکور؛ محمدصدیق قربانی؛ فرانک بحرالعلومی؛ حسین داودی

دوره 16، شماره 2 ، آذر 1403، صفحه 293-320


  The archaeological site of Sarcham is situated in the southwestern region (Hawraman Region) of Kurdistan Province in western Iran. It was excavated as part of the Darian Dam Archaeological Salvage Project (DDASP) in 2015, revealing a multi-period site with cultural deposits spanning four distinct archaeological periods. This paper aims to present the findings ...  بیشتر
مقاله پژوهشی
Relative Chronology Based on the Classification and Typology of the Chalcolithic Pottery of Tepe Morad Abad VIII, Orzuiyeh Plain (Kerman Province)
Relative Chronology Based on the Classification and Typology of the Chalcolithic Pottery of Tepe Morad Abad VIII, Orzuiyeh Plain (Kerman Province)

محبوبه ناصری طهرانی؛ فریبا موسی پور نگاری؛ مهدی مرتضوی

دوره 16، شماره 2 ، آذر 1403، صفحه 321-344


  The Orzuiyeh Plain stands as a crucial region for understanding prehistoric, particularly Chalcolithic, settlements in southwestern Kerman Province. While sites like Gaz Tavileh, Morad Abad XII, and Vakil Abad have seen limited archaeological exploration, they have yielded insufficient data on the sequence of Chalcolithic occupation. To address this gap, a stratigraphic ...  بیشتر