نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


دانشگاه کمبریج


Kani Shaie, a key archaeological site located in the Bazyan Valley of Iraqi Kurdistan, provides critical insight into the transition from the Late Chalcolithic (LC; ca. 4500-3100 BCE) to the Early Bronze Age (EBA; ca. 3100-2000 BCE). The site occupies a strategic location between the Mesopotamian plains and the Zagros Mountains, positioning it as a central point for the exchange and interaction between these regions (Fig. 1). The Kani Shaie Archaeological Project (KSAP) has conducted multiple excavation seasons, uncovering a rich stratigraphic sequence that spans several millennia of occupation (Fig. 2) (Ahmad & Renette 2023; Renette 2016; 2018; 2024; Renette et al. 2021; Renette et al. 2023; Renette et al. 2024; Tomé et al. 2016).

Kani Shaie’s significance lies not only in its stratigraphy, which covers the Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age periods, but also in its role as a hub within the regional socio-economic networks. The site’s architectural, ceramic, and material culture provides key evidence for understanding the dynamics of settlement development, regional trade, and cultural interactions in the broader Near Eastern context. The 2024 excavation campaign was aimed at furthering these understandings, particularly focusing on the ceramic assemblage and the architectural phases spanning the transition from the LC to the EBA.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The 2024 Excavation Campaign at Kani Shaie: new data on the earliest Early Bronze Age and the Hellenistic-Parthian occupations

نویسنده [English]

  • Steve Renette

U. of Cambridge

چکیده [English]

Kani Shaie, a key archaeological site located in the Bazyan Valley of Iraqi Kurdistan, provides critical insight into the transition from the Late Chalcolithic (LC; ca. 4500-3100 BCE) to the Early Bronze Age (EBA; ca. 3100-2000 BCE). The site occupies a strategic location between the Mesopotamian plains and the Zagros Mountains, positioning it as a central point for the exchange and interaction between these regions (Fig. 1). The Kani Shaie Archaeological Project (KSAP) has conducted multiple excavation seasons, uncovering a rich stratigraphic sequence that spans several millennia of occupation (Fig. 2) (Ahmad & Renette 2023; Renette 2016; 2018; 2024; Renette et al. 2021; Renette et al. 2023; Renette et al. 2024; Tomé et al. 2016).

Kani Shaie’s significance lies not only in its stratigraphy, which covers the Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age periods, but also in its role as a hub within the regional socio-economic networks. The site’s architectural, ceramic, and material culture provides key evidence for understanding the dynamics of settlement development, regional trade, and cultural interactions in the broader Near Eastern context. The 2024 excavation campaign was aimed at furthering these understandings, particularly focusing on the ceramic assemblage and the architectural phases spanning the transition from the LC to the EBA.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Excavation Campaign
  • Kani Shaie
  • Early Bronze Age
  • Hellenistic-Parthian
  • Hellenistic