Document Type : Research Paper


1 miras

2 M. A Student of Archaeology, Tehran University


The rise of Elamite culture and its state formation on the southwestern Iran, beside historical resources, is an archaeologically problem due to the lower discovered evidences during recent years, which restricted them just to the known materials of Susa and few other sites. But stratigraphic excavations at Tepe Senjar on the Northern Kuzistan from 2007-2009 provided information related to this period such as architectural evidence, pottery assemblage, seal and also samples for radiocarbon dating. The evidences found from trenches A and E of this site represented date on the site formation process, chronological framework of Susiana plain, cultural relations to the ancient Susa and other center of the Mesopotamia and Zagros. Excavated finds show that Tepe Senjar has been occupied from the late fifth millennium B.C, and was continued to proto-Elamite (Susa III) as well as Susa IV A. This site was settled again during Susa IV B and was continued successively until the Shimashki, Sukkal Mah and Middle Elamite periods. 


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