Document Type : Research Paper


1 Academic member of department of archaeology art faculty buali sina university Hamadan Iran

2 PhD Candidate of department of archaeology art faculty buali sina university Hamadan Iran

3 Academic Member of the Seismology Department of the International Research Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering in Tehran, Iran



Godin Tepe is one of the ancient sites of Iran in the western region of Iran, where the evidence of at least two earthquakes in different periods has been identified in archaeological excavations. One of these destructive earthquakes occurred at the end of phase 2 of layer III of Godin Tepe, which seems to have led to environmental and cultural changes not only in the Godin area, but in the entire Kangavar plain. One of these evidences can be seen in the fundamental change in the pattern of life in the form of a significant reduction of settlement areas in the period after the second phase of Godin III in Kangavar Plain. At the end of the Godin III2 and the IIIp-2, there have been changes in the settlements of the Kangavar Plain region, which indicate a change in the way of life from sedentary to nomadism. In this regard, the current research is trying to find the reasons for this change in the residential pattern by examining the effective factors. The important and main question of the research is that how can the influential factors in changing the biological pattern of Kangavar plain in the period after III2 Godin be investigated? The method of this research is based on collecting information in a documentary and descriptive-analytical way. According to the studies, the earthquake was considered one of the important reasons for this change and transformation of the lifestyle of the people of Kangavar region.
