Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Archaeology of university of Tehran and Assistant Director of Shahr-i Sokhta Expedition, Independent Researcher.

2 PhD Candidate in Archaeology, University of Mazandaran, Mazandaran, Iran.


Prehistoric funeral ceremony helps the researcher for reconstructing of the different parts of ancient societies, since it has a great connection to various aspects of social and economic parts of human life. Shahr-i Sokhta is one of the important Bronze Age sites in southeast and east of Iranian plateau and the excavations on the necropolis has revealed great quantitative amounts of archaeological material from early to late 3rd and early 2nd millennium B.C. By now, more than 1000 graves were excavated by Italian and Iranian mission at the greatest Bronze Age necropolis of Iran. In the present research, by using SPSS application, R- Pearson, F- test and the other kinds of statistical tests have been done for data analysis of the materials excavated on the graveyard of Shahr-i Sokhta. The different aspects of Socio- Economic implications of this society considered by statistical analysis of the graves material of Shahr i Sokhta that excavated from 1997 to 2003 and 214 burials with related dating is taken to account. Therefore, By SPSS application, R- Pearson, F- test and the other kinds of statistical tests have been done for data analysis of the materials. Based on the results, in Shahr-i Sokhta from period I to IV, some changes take place on the grave structures, the number of goods, the number of prestige goods and finally the numerical values of the graves as dependent factors of the research. Interpretation of the results shows that some changes in the socio – economic conditions and class stratification taken place by divide wealth as well as the changes on beliefs of the ritual ceremonies from early 3rd to early 2nd millennium B.C. Interpretation of the results shows the meaningful relationship between chronology and number and quality of goods in the grave from period I to period IV


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