Document Type : Research Paper


1 profesor amol uni

2 tehranmarkaz profossor

3 branch science and research master

4 branch science and research proffosor


During the Sassanid period, countless artworks have been created by artists that include types of motifs The study of animal designs two forms 1- Real animals 2- Mythical and mixed animals, and understanding the symbolic and mythical meanings of each one in this research And the question of the research is, what animals real or mythical and combined are involved in the rock reliefs,filets  and seals of the Sassanid period, and what are the concepts of these animals and which of these three works of art does each of these motifs have? The purpose of the research is to obtain concepts and categorize these animals in three types of rock reliefs,filets  and seals of the Sassanid period. As a result, the research is presented in a tabular form which shows that these elements are related to the astronomical, cosmic, Zoroastrian, and mythological concepts of Iran. The use of numerous animal designs for the manifestation of the gifts and blessings of life expressed in the form of visual arts by the artist and the Sassanian artist in symbolic roles is reluctant to express the reality, but his aim is to look after the scenes. In general, as we get closer to the end of the Sassanian period from the ancient times, the number of works with the role of mixed beasts and their godliness is diminished and associated more with Iranian mythology.Illustration in Sassanid art is of special importance according to the perspective in ancient Iran.


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