Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Art and Architecture Department of Archaeology, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

2 Department of Archaeology, Bu-Ali University, Hamedan, Iran


The manufacture of glassware was one of the historical knowledge and technics of pre-Islamic era of Iran, that was continued during Islamic periods. This research is about the glassware found in Hegmataneh and Bu-Ali museum during Islamic period. The glassware collection has been excavated illegally and until now no survey has been done on them. The method of research is done descriptively, historically and analytically. And that according to survey in museums, studies are done from libraries for comparison and history. Studies and comparisons on these wares show that they have been produced during three historical periods. The first group is related in the first and second lunar century. The second group is related to third till fifth lunar century. The third group is related to sixth and seventh lunar century. In regard to application, three groups of special glassware were in use for cosmetics and medicine. Glassware for Hejamat and for pitchers were classified. The production of technical glassware is also made by blowing freely and blowing in the mould. The decoration of this glassware is like carving, moulding  and wavy lines have been done on them. The main question that arises on this subject is that is this glassware comparable and history marking with other discovered glassware, are they scientifically surveyed. All the glassware’s capable for study, compared to other glassware, domestic collections and foreign that was related to Islamic period and that are obtained scientifically, they are chronologized and compared.


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