Document Type : Research Paper


1 , faculty member, University of Bojnord

2 university birjand

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Archaeology, University of Birjand


Among human productions, the art of pottery has significantly expressed the thoughts, ideas and mental creativity of human beings throughout history, among which, glazed pottery in the Islamic era with a special application has a special place. The function of Sphero-conical vessel has always been a controversial topic in the study of the Islamic temples of the middle Ages. The dispersion of the views presented along with the wide range of production and the limited historical range of the use of these containers is one of the factors that has contributed to the ambiguity in the functioning of these object. The main purpose of this article is to achieve the most logical hypotheses that have been presented so far. In this way, the most important assumptions that have been presented by researchers in about one hundred years ago were studied, among which were six major hypotheses: Fuqqa`a jar, mercury container, perfume flask, Laboratory containers, grenade and Vaporizer. According to the new evidence, it became clear that the hypothesis of the Fuqqa`a jar, first proposed by Abdullah Qouchani and Chahryar Adel, has a high degree of Accuracy. We used a descriptive-analytical method in this study and the library method in collecting information


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