Document Type : Research Paper


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The figurines are one of the most important objects in Shahr-I-Sukhta, which indicate the parts of the contemporaneous art and the general social condition. An investigation on the human figurines from Bronze Age of Shahr-I-Sukhta suggests the similarities between Iran and other neighboring regions. The figurines show the beliefs and attitudes, environmental effects, and interregional cultural exchanges of Shahr-I-Sukhta with other regions. The analysis of this study is basically based on the chronology and stylistic comparison mad between Shahr-I-Sukhta and other connected regions. One of the most important questions is the contemporaneity or mere stylistic similarity of figurines to which the chronology of neighboring and remote sites, historical relations of the Bronze Age and the similarities of Shahr-I-Sukhta figurines with other areas were investigated. Considering chronology and similarities, however, figurines are functionally different; they suggest reciprocal effects, exchanges, and contemporaneity. As there are many comparison problems in studying per-historic figurines, focusing on chronological communication development is not for sure even if they are satisfactory mainly due to the fact that the environment and beliefs themselves both are the issues that might be differed among the


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