Document Type : Research Paper


Tarbiat Modares University


The concept of legitimation in the Sasanian was formed on Khwarrah and provided a spiritual authority for their king. Khwarrah as a Godly force, due to the government communications was sent into the Byzantine and it led to forming a common approach in displaying religious legitimacy. This concept has needed variety of symbols based on religious beliefs that are equal and replaced with each other in artworks. How to organize the message of legitimacy with the help of these symptoms is the aim of this study that was done by semiotics method. According to this method, artworks are based on a code which involves Interactive multilateral as a discursive position. Decoding by positioning in the axis of juxtaposition and succession, specify that message in each representation expresses its content with a cofactor (Anchor) which forms the main structure. The first anchor is Gods and angels as donors’ legitimation and symptoms bringers. They are generally donated a ring instead of the second factor that links visual codes and also plays a main role. So the case study signs are placed in the center of this ring.


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