Document Type : Research Paper


----Assistant Professor, Department of Archaeology, University of Tehran


Achaemenid art is royal Courtly art which has been influenced by subordinate nations arts. The different nations like Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Anatolian. As it is clear that Achaemenid art as a magnificent court art was a modest imitation of the another nations art But they did not ever blindly imitate others' art,but they transformed what they took from others and changed into Iranian art;and becouse of that, the coordination and harmony that was seen in the Achaemenid style,  was the localization of the artistic element of other nations.This paper trying to discuss, analyze and compare of human proportions of statues and reliefs as one of the most important artificial evidence of Achaemenid dynasty. Proportion also is visible in nature. Anatomical proportion is a mathematical concept which that important in visual arts. The formula of a golden division in Proportion is also visible at the nature and human artifacts such as statues and monuments. In this study, the influences of the Achaemenid art from subordinate nation's arts have been considered as a source of proportions in this period. The results indicate that human proportions in Achaemenid art has been Influenced by art and artistic proportions rules of Mesopotamia, Greece and specially Egypt. It is noted that highest point of Achaemenid art in terms of use principles Proportion in architecture and sculpture is very similar to the Egyptian art.


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