Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D, Department of Archaeology, University of Mazandaran, Iran

2 Department of archaeology, Lorestan University, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of archaeology, Sistan & Baluchestan University, Iran


Following recent excavations at Falak al-Aflak, Khorram Abad, some evidences revealed indicating a fortification contemporary to findings of Babajan III, considering characteristic material culture of the region including "Genre Luristan" potteries, limited architectural remains, and comparison studies. The evidence, especially "Genre Luristan" potteries assign to Ellipi kinglet that governed Pishkuh-i-Luristan. Assyrian written sources, which report Sargon II expedition at 713 BC to western Iran, announce "Simaš" at west of Ellipi territory and nearby Median of further east. Present paper suggests the location of the fortification as Simaš following investigation of written and geographical sources. It could be the same Elamite Simaški at late 3rd and early 2nd millennia according experts and archaeological evidence.


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