Document Type : Research Paper



Moreover, inscribed bricks of two Elamite kings, Šutruk-Nahhunte and his son, Kutir-Nahhunte, were also found that all of them referring to construction and repairs of a temple devoted to the Manzat goddess. In 2000, surface surveys on Deh Nou mound was done by by one of us (B. Mofidi). According to the results of these surveys and geophysical measurements which were accomplished in parts of the mound in 2002, a decision was made for a more detailed study on the various layers of this archaeological mound. This was performed in the spring of 2012. During this season of excavations, in order to identify Elamite artifacts, sections were cut at different heights in the body of the natural floodways locating in the middle of the mound. This stratigraphy showed that upper part of the mound ground consists of a 2 meter layer of Islamic artifacts. Despite the identification of Parthian pottery on the surface of the mound, no evidence of settlements from this historical period was traced in the excavated part


مفیدی نصرآبادی، بهزاد،١٣٨٦، کاوش­ها و بررسی‌های باستان‌شناسی در چغازنبیل، مونستر.
      مفیدی نصرآبادی، بهزاد، ١٣٨٩، گزارش مقدماتی کاوش­های باستان‌شناسی در هفت تپه در سال‌های ١٣٨۴ تا ١٣٨۵، مونستر.
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