Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Geology, faculty of science, university of Tehran. Iran

3 Neanderthal Museum, Mettmann, Germany; DiyarMehr Institute for Palaeolithic research, Iran.

4 Institute for Prehistoric Archaeology, University of Cologne, Germany; DiyarMehr Institute for Palaeolithic research, Iran.



Bawa Yawan rockshelter and cave complex located in the west central Zagros of Iran, stands out as a significant Palaeolithic site due to its spans of the three periods of Middle Palaeolithic, Upper Palaeolithic and Epipaleolithic periods. This site exhibits a wide range of lithic artifacts, which were used specifically employed by Neanderthals and modern humans approximately between 83,000 and 13,400 years ago ( TU / OSL Dating ). In this study, we present preliminary results from macroscopic analysis of nearly a thousand lithic artefacts. Our initial findings indicate that over 99 % of the utilized raw stones materials belong to the Micro - cryptocrystalline sedimentary rock category, primarily due to their widespread availability. Less than 1% of the materials fall into other categories, such as metamorphic and igneous rocks. The main results of this research indicate that the Middle Palaeolithic groups ( Neandertal ) used a more diverse range of raw stone materials than later. In contrast to the Upper Palaeolithic to Epipaleolithic periods, people ( Homo Sapiens ) become more specialized in the use of higher quality resources. This finding shows a relative different lithic raw material procurement strategy among Neanderthals and homo sapiens in the study area.
